Charles County School District Threatens Homeschool Families
MACHE Members and Maryland Homeschool Families,
Homeschool families in Charles County received a letter demanding they register their students online through Charles County Public Schools’ online portal.
As you know, pursuant to state law, the Maryland Department of Education has already stated how Maryland homeschool families should send in their information.
The law clearly states that a local school system may not impose additional requirements for home instruction programs other than those in these regulations.
MACHE is aware of this letter and is working with HSLDA on this issue. Rest assured, we are keeping a close eye on this situation and will keep you up-to-date.
Watch this short video from Will Estrada, Senior Counsel, HSLDA below!
MACHE stands in agreement with the position that Charles County homeschoolers should continue to follow the law. There has been no change in the Maryland law, and Charles County School District has no legal authority to change how families provide notice to the school district of their homeschool plans. There is no requirement in the Maryland homeschool law that requires Maryland homeschoolers to register their students online through an online portal.
If you are currently homeschooling under an approved Maryland umbrella, the umbrella will notify the district of your continued plan to homeschool. If you are new to homeschooling, you can make notification using the intent to homeschool located on the Maryland State Department of Education website.
MACHE members have full access to using the intent to homeschool form on our member page and your MACHE membership includes a discount with HSLDA.
MACHE is monitoring this issue and working with HSLDA on this matter. Rest assured, we are keeping a close eye on this situation and will keep you up-to-date.
Watch this short video from Will Estrada, Senior Counsel, HSLDA.